Address The Top 7 Cybersecurity Risks of Remote Work

Free Laptop With Cyber Security Text on the Screen Stock PhotoRemote and hybrid work simply skyrocketed over the last few years, and it’s here to stay.  Remote work offers too many benefits to employees for people to give up on it easily. After the pandemic, too many companies have committed to full remote going forward. Those companies have saved major money on office space and costs, too.  In addition, plenty of people noticed the productivity benefits coming from remote work.

Research shows a 56% reduction in unproductive time when working at home vs. the office.

All that being said, a few problems pop up when people work from home.  Cybersecurity in particular needs to be looked at carefully due to the increase in physical access points.  Keeping up with it when nobody planned for it quickly turns dangerous. About 63% of businesses have experienced a data breach due to remote employees.

All that doesn’t mean that you must risk security to enjoy the benefits of remote working. You can strike a balance. Know the cybersecurity concerns and plan accordingly.

We’ll lay out some of the top cybersecurity risks associated with remote work and provide practical tips on how employees and employers can address them.

Remote Work Risks & Mitigation

1. Weak Passwords and Lack of Multi-Factor Authentication

Using weak passwords always puts accounts at risk of a breach. Also, reusing passwords across several accounts represents a big cybersecurity risk. Remote workers often access company systems, databases, and sensitive information from various devices just as part of doing their jobs.  Strong passwords are difficult to remember passwords, so getting people to use strong passwords offers quite the chore.

To mitigate this risk, you should insist on strong and unique passwords for each account.  Introduce employees to the idea of a “password manager” so they only have to remember one difficult password. Additionally, enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification.

Employers can set up access management systems. These solutions help automate the authentication process and deploy safeguards like contextual MFA.

2. Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks

Working remotely often means connecting to different Wi-Fi networks such as public hotspots or home networks that never come adequately secured. These unsecured networks expose your sensitive data to hackers.

To protect company data, insist that team members use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Turn on the VPN when connecting to public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks. A VPN encrypts the internet traffic. Using one ensures that data remains secure even on untrusted networks.

3. Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks remain a prevalent threat, and remote workers who aren’t face to face can be particularly vulnerable. Attackers send deceptive emails or messages to trick users into revealing their login credentials or downloading malicious attachments.

To defend against phishing attacks, always be cautious when opening emails. Always check the details to find out what email address messages are coming from, and avoid those from unknown sources. Avoid clicking on suspicious links.

Also, stay wary of any requests for sensitive information. If ever in doubt, contact your IT support team to confirm the legitimacy of the communication.

4. Insecure Home Network Devices

Many remote workers use Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including smart speakers, home security systems, and thermostats. These devices introduce vulnerabilities to your home network if not properly secured.

To address this risk, always change the default passwords on your IoT devices to something individual. Also, keep them updated with the latest firmware. Consider creating a separate network for your IoT devices. A “guest” network isolates them from your work devices and data.

Employers can improve security for remote teams using an endpoint device manager such as Microsoft Intune, or similar. These devices make it easier to manage security across many employee devices in many different physical locations.

5. Lack of Security Updates

Regularly updating your devices and software remains crucial for maintaining strong cybersecurity. Remote workers often neglect these updates due to busy schedules or limited awareness. Cybercriminals  exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software to gain unauthorized access to systems.

To mitigate this risk, enable automatic updates on devices and software whenever possible. Regularly check for updates. Install them promptly to ensure you have the latest security patches.

6. Data Backup and Recovery

Remote workers generate and handle a significant amount of data. The loss or corruption of this data offers a devastating blow to a company. Implementing a robust data backup and recovery plan is essential.

Back up your important files to a secure cloud storage service or an external hard drive. These backups ensures that if a hacker compromises a device, your data remains safe and can be easily restored.

7. Insufficient Employee Training

Remote workers must receive proper and regular cybersecurity training. It helps them to understand security risks and best practices. Unfortunately, many companies neglect this aspect of cybersecurity. This leaves employees unaware of the potential threats they may encounter.

Organizations must provide comprehensive cybersecurity training to remote workers. This training should cover topics such as:

  • Identifying phishing emails
  • Creating strong passwords
  • Recognizing suspicious online behavior
  • New forms of phishing (such as SMS-based “smishing”)

In addition, this training must repeat and reinforce every so often to build good habits in team members.  Going over it all twice a year keeps people understanding and doing the right thing.

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